My industrial training take place at a company call Mini-Circuits which means they really doing a circuits which is damn small. Have you ever see the resistor, capacitor and inductor is damn small like a grand of sand? Here it is...:P
The following is an example for mini-size capacitor and need to attached under microscope viewing as the component size its too small.
Few of the necessary skills which need to be learn by trainee which is testing skills on the DUT. The are few of the example testing equipment:
The PCB fabrication process which using the LPKF machine. There is only driller needed to fabricate the PCB by using computer by reading the design layout and control the machine.
There is some of the programming task which being told by my intern supervisor to complete it. As the programming using an VEE programming and VBA Macro..There is more and yet haven learn by trainee for the programming language such as C++ and Java programming as those task are assign to professional engineer only.
This is my working fortress which cover up me from the meeting room and the inspection of the boss as well as supervisor. By using two big CPU to cover up..Its time to being lazy for awhile..xD
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